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When thinking about fillers, most people think of lips or cheeks. Achieving fuller, more youthful skin is not limited to just the face. I often see patients who want to turn back time on their hands and that’s where Radiesse comes in. Radiesse is a popular filler used to boost the appearance of hands.

The filler creates volume that has been lost over time, reducing the look of veins and tendons in the hands. It also works with your body to stimulate new collagen production to improve volume. Hands look smoother and younger almost instantly.

After numbing the hand, I do a few small injections where I think the filler would best fill out the look of the patient’s hand. The procedure is fairly quick, with results lasting from about 6 months to a full year. Some of my patients even continue to see results after 2 years. Studies show 98% of patients maintained significant improvement at month 3, and 86% maintained improvement at month 12.

This FDA approved procedure can be booked by calling the office at 212-725-4555. We are booking patients in NYC and Bridgehampton.

