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Kybella® in New York, NY

Self-conscious about stubborn fat under your chin? Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable procedure to permanently destroy fat deposits under the chin for a svelte and more youthful profile. Dr. Dennis Gross Dermatology is proud to offer Kybella® in our New York City office to patients in the surrounding communities of Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.

“Being able to treat stubborn submental fat and provide a more contoured jawline is a dream for my patients.”

– Dr. Dennis Gross


What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is predominantly made up of deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally within the body with the purpose of destroying fat. In the digestive tract, this salt breaks down fat cell membranes, but it does the same thing in targeted locations when injected. When injected underneath the chin, Kybella® destroys fatty deposits and leaves patients with a more contoured and pronounced jawline.

Kybella® in New York, NY

Kybella® is so far the only FDA-approved injectable product to destroy fat cells, and it can provide a great non-invasive, non-surgical alternative to surgery or liposuction to treat a double chin. The Kybella® treatment will destroy fat cells in the area permanently, and the body will flush away the damaged cells that are no longer able to accumulate and store fat.

Tempted by positive Kybella® reviews? Kybella® delivers significant improvements after just two treatments, although some patients may need up to six treatments. Kybella® results are permanent, although you can still accumulate new fat in the chin area if you gain weight.

How Much Does Kybella® Cost in New York, NY?

The cost of Kybella® depends on the number of injections or vials you need and the number of sessions recommended to achieve your desired results.We encourage you to contact us to schedule a consultation for a personalized treatment plan and to review your individual cost.

How Are Kybella® Injections Performed? 

The procedure for performing the Kybella® injections is pretty quick and straightforward. The procedure takes place in an office setting and takes no more than around 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

When beginning the Kybella® injection procedure, and before administering any injections, your provider will first want to determine the number of micro injections that will be necessary to achieve the desired results for the jawline based on the amount of fat that has accumulated around the treatment area. Temporary guides will be marked on your skin and injections will be done with a micro needle into the areas that are to be treated. This shouldn’t be painful, however, it can be a little uncomfortable for some patients.

The Kybella® procedure is typically performed in around two to six sessions, each spaced about a month apart, in order to yield the best possible results. During each session, the number of injections required will vary between patients, with some requiring only around 12 to 20 injections, but others needing as many as 50. This will all come down to the amount of fat that’s stored underneath the chin.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Kybella® Treatment?

For those dealing with bothersome fatty deposits around the chin, Kybella® has been designed to improve the contours and profile of the jawline. Ideal candidates have mild to moderate fatty deposits under the chin; those with severe fatty deposits and/or lax skin may be better served by liposuction or surgery.

How Long Will Kybella® Results Last?

All of the fat cells damaged by the Kybella® injections will be permanently destroyed and flushed from the body, thereby eradicating the problem for good. Kybella® treatment can last for years without the requirement of any touch-ups that other injectables require, however one thing the Kybella® treatment cannot do is prevent any further fat deposits under the chin from developing in the future.

Kybella Case 1

Kybella Case 2

Real Patient Reviews

"An uplifting experience! Without fail I leave Dr. Gross’s office feeling uplifted and more beautiful than when I walked in. Thank you so much for the true service you provide!"
- Lucy B.

Ready to experience the benefits of Kybella® treatment for yourself? Contact us to see Kybella® before and after photos and find out how you can benefit from this revolutionary non-surgical treatment for a double chin. Dr. Dennis Gross Dermatology welcomes men and women to our New York City office from the surrounding areas of Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.